Copyright 2024 - Christl Meyer
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Christl J. Meyer, Diploma Biologist, Master of Chemistry and Biology


Date of Birth: December 24, 1949
Home Address: Vienna / Austria   
Citizenship: German
Place of Birth: Linz, Austria, Europe


1968 Abitur Degree, Frau Rat Goethe Gymnasium Duisburg, Germany
1968–1969 Training and work in industrial chemical laboratory Matthes& Weber in Duisburg, (Germany) 
1971 Vordiplom (Physics, Chemistry, Botanics, Zoology) University of Marburg, Germany
1993–1994 Certificate for teaching Philosophy/ Ethics, Der Senator in Bremen, Germany
1980–2004 Studies in Chemistry, Biology and Philosophy, University of Bremen


1968–1975 Studies of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Botanics, Zoology, Medical Microbiology
and Immunology at the University of Marburg, Germany

1975 Diploma-Biologist 
Scientific Research on “ Influenza Viruses and Immune Response” and written “Diplomarbeit”

1978 „ Zweite Staatsprüfung“ Chemistry and Biology , Bremen, Germany 
Title „Studienraetin“ (Masters Degree)

LANGUAGES: German, English, French, Latin 


• Teaching experience since 1975 (about 30 years) Essen,
Bremen , Gymnasium Am Barkhof, Kippenberggymnasium (Germany) 

• Reliable Professor for student groups (tutor) 

• Head teacher in Chemistry for about 8 years 

• Responsible Professor for the chemical collection for about 8 years 

• Responsible Expert for Test Evaluation for final examinations (Abitur) 
for more than 20 years. 

• Since 1.May 2005 to Nov. 2007 Professor of Natural Sciences 
(Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology 1 and 2, Cell Physiology/ Biology, Genetics, Microbiology, Problem Based Learning, Evidence Based Medicine, Ethics) at the InterAmerican Medical University, Corozal, Belize. 

• Since 2008: Free lance research and PPT-Presentations /Vienna, Austria    


• Natural Sciences Society, Bremen 

• Society of German Biologists, Bremen 

• Astronomical Society, “Olbers”, Bremen, 

• Philosophical Society, University of Bremen 

• Member of 2 conservation associations, Bremen, Vienna 

• Red Cross, Bremen and Belize 

• Member of 2 sports clubs, Bremen and Belize 

• Running competitions (Cross-country) 

• Play-acting groups 

• Klub Logischer Denker, Vienna 

• Amnesty International, Vienna 

• Haus der Barmherzigkeit, Vienna
• Red Cross, Vienna
• Club of Vienna (Presentations)


I am a German citizen, a Diploma Biologist (University of Marburg/Germany) and have the title "Studienraetin" in both subjects, chemistry and biology. I was teaching in the position of a "Professor of Medical Sciences" at the InterAmerican Medical University in Corozal, Belize. 

I am trained in scientific laboratory research and in teaching in German and English.
The title of my scientific experimental research concerning "Medical Microbiology" is:  "Antibody Response in Dependence of Body Temperature".
The subjects of the final examinations for my diploma were:
biochemistry, medical microbiology, zoology and botanic.
For about 30 years I taught full time without interruption in colleges/ in Essen and Bremen - Germany, mostly high performance courses in chemistry and biology.  I am 59 years young.
For about 2 years I taught at the InterAmerican Medical University in Belize, Central America classes in English in Biochemistry/Molecular biology, Cell physiology, Microbiology, Genetics, Problem Based Learning, Ethics and Evidence Based Medicine. The position included power point presentations as well as informing the students concerning the latest results in research.  I instructed the students on how to gain information for personal presentations on self-selected topics and prepared the students for the USMLE examination. The scientific, practical and intercultural atmosphere at the University and Bethesda Medical Centre was a benefit for the students and their further work as Medical Doctors with patients and in research. During my research in Belize I finished my
scientific work concerning AIDS: “Reconciliation Between Pure Scientists and AIDS- Dissidents: Could an Ancient Retrovirus, RNA-interference and Stress be the Answer to Divergent Opinions?”
In addition my scientific work from Vienna:

At present I am working freelance in Vienna/Austria on scientific research and do public PP-Presentations concerning Science and Health.

Vienna, June 2016